Conley's is a praying church!
We believe that God hears and answers prayer; therefore, we put prayer at the center of our church life--prayer inspires our mission, precedes our decisions, guides our actions, and is offered in praise and thanksgiving for all that God has done, all that God is doing, and all that God will do in the life of our congregation.
Our Weekly Prayer Focus for 2025 (please join us)
Week 1 - Conley's Prayer Garden
Week 2 - Conley's Bible Studies
Week 3 - Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
Week 4 - Camp Hope & Bible Buddies
Week 5 - Conley's Youth & Family Ministries
We want to pray with you!
Is something happening in your life where you need God to step in? We believe that God responds to prayer--and we would love to pray for your situation.
What can I request prayer for?
Anything at all. Health, peace, relationships, finances, addictions . . . nothing is beyond the reach of God.
Who will be praying for me?
Conley's has a dedicated prayer team consisting of people who love to pray, and stand ready to pray for you.
What if I'm not sure I believe in all this?
Not a problem. God is always more ready to hear than we are to pray. He knows about our doubts, our fears, our skepticism . . . and invites us to come anyway. We believe God reveals himself to us when we pray. Let's pray and see what happens.
What should I expect?
An answer to prayer. We are among countless believers throughout the ages and from all around the world who bear witness to the faithfulness of God to answer prayer in amazing ways.
How do I submit a prayer request?
You may send your request to: conleys.prayer@gmail.com ,
text it to 833-487-2130 or use this QR code with your smartphone

Conley's has assembled a team of people who believe in the power of prayer. In addition to their commitment to pray themselves, they work to promote faithful, dynamic prayer within the congregation. SPARC also actively supports prayer events in the Delaware District.